Membership Benefits

AAUW Membership Benefits

As an AAUW member you belong to a nationwide group of individuals who value education and equal rights. Individuals who are dedicated to, and contribute to, a more promising future for all women and girls. Along with AAUW National and State, you provide a powerful voice on women’s issues. 

With your membership you also receive tangible benefits such as…… 

  • A voice in government through AAUW’s member voice which provides a united front on women and civil rights issues.
  • A powerful network community who values education and equal rights and believes in taking action.
  • Relevant information on National’s website of updated information on equity and education. Including links to Congress and information about fellowships, grants and awards.
  • National and regional activities like the yearly conferences given by National and NYS. Along with branch workshops to strengthen your leadership skills.
  • Educational and professional development through the monthly branch membership meetings.
  • Increased buying power through AAUW National’s exclusive member discounts. Each purchase supports equal-pay, community programs and leadership development through royalties that AAUW receives.  There are discounts for insurance, travel, car rentals, prescription savings. For additional information on the discounts visit AAUW National’s website via this link: