Welcome to the Rockland County Branch of AAUW!

Advancing gender equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research 


Upcoming Branch meetings/Events: October

(for online events see the current newsletter for the link)
  • Vice Presidential Debate (virtual) 8:30 – Oct. 1st
  • PowHer the Vote for: Wage Equity- Latina Equal Pay Day – panel discussion (virtual) 12pm – Oct 1st
  • Latina Equal Pay Day – online rally 2pm – Oct. 3rd
  • Board Meeting via Zoom – 7pm – Oct. 8th
  • Candidates Forum NAACP Spring Valley and Nyack (virtual) 7pm – Oct. 10th
  • LWV/AAUW Candidates Forum Debate 2pm – Ramapo Town Hall -Oct. 13th
QR code for the current newsletters:     

Other Interests:

For further information about our events or branch visit our newsletter via the QR code above or Email: aauwrockland62@gmail.com

Salary Negotiation Training – Whether you are negotiating for a new job or an earned raise or promotion, in this workshop you will gain confidence to:

  • Determine your personal value.
  • Set your target salary and benefits.
  • Create your strategy — how to build your pitch, deflect and respond persuasively.

Click here for the training video and to see the next scheduled upcoming live webinar.

Who is the Rockland County Branch – The branch is now in its 60th year having celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012. We were originally founded as the New City Branch, became county-wide in 1993, and are now one of the larger branches in New York State.  Our members represent a diverse group of women leaders in the arts, education, business, health services and government. 

Visit our history page to see the retrospective of our first 50 years.

What is our Mission – The Rockland County branch reflects the mission of the national American Association of University Women by advancing gender equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.  Our vision is equity for all women and our values are nonpartisan, fact-based, integrity, inclusion and intersectionality.